Please note that family sharing of in-app purchases and subscriptions is not allowed by the App Stores, but there is a way around it. To share your subscription or in-app purchase on another device, that device needs to be logged in with the App Store ID that made the original purchase before installing the app. Follow these steps for the extra devices you want to share an app:
- Make sure the app is not installed on the device, If it is, please delete it.
- Sign out of the App Store
- Log into the App Store with the ID that purchased the app.
- Go to the App Store and download the app.
- Launch the app and tap the Setting button in the app
- Tap on the “Restore Purchases” button.
- Your purchases should be restored to this additional device.
- You can now change the ID back to the original one signed into this additional device.
Please note that you cannot share purchases between cross platforms. For example, you cannot share purchases between the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.